With a few degrees under my belt already why, my friends ask, should I want to continue studying? I've taken it upon myself to start an education degree in distance learning. Partly it's because I feel that distance (and/or flexible) learning is the future, and partly because I want to 'put myself out there'; that is here I am busy telling students to 'study' but the last time that I studied prior to my re-entry as a student was several decades ago. In other words I need to reconnect to the feeling of bewilderment, trying to figure out what will give me my pass rate, but at the same time try and learn something genuine (hopefully the two aims are the same).
Here my reasoning went, why not study distance education through distance education? And if I'm going to do that, why not study it through the institution that started it all in a big way, the British 'Open University'?
So here I am, on a postgraduate degree which will end up as a 'Masters in Online and Distance Education'. One course down (H805), severely struggling through my second course (H800) and a final course to do to complete the programme.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a hall of mirrors when I think about this, you know when you see iterative reflections of yourself receding into infinity - distance education, through distance education, by a founder of distance education ...